Katy and Caitie. (Yeah, I know, life gets confusing)
Caitie decided to paint her room, and to do such, she had to take everything out and at night she would take my roommate Katy's bed while Katy slept in mine with me. I've always had my own full sized bed, so I wasn't exactly used to someone else in it. Over the course of the week, I took note of all of the things that would happen in the course of the night. And these are just a few of the common situations I woke up to, or found myself in.
Lets start off with a classic.

Some people have no sense of spatial relationships and really struggle to sleep in a position that is normal to everyone else. They start out straight, but then somehow subconsciously move into a diagonal position, leaving you the option of having a hand in your face and your feet touching theirs, or curling up into the tiny triangle left for you on the bed. I chose the triangle.
and then there is...

I'm pretty sure this happens to everyone. I always face outward when I sleep and for some reason there is a magnetic pull to the middle of the bed. And if there happens to be someone else there. Well, this happens. Sometimes you can inch away before the other person wakes up, but if you wake up simultaneously, it can get awkward.
also, closely related to the butt touch...

Yeah.. Waking up because you can feel the breath of the other person hitting your face. Not ok.
and this is my personal favorite.

I was always the last to fall asleep at sleepovers growing up. I'm that girl who turned off the movie in the end because I was the last one awake. I always could figure out who snored, or drooled, or... sleep talked. My favorite is trying to carry on conversations with the person.
Try it.
and then last, but definitely not least

No sense of spatial awareness asleep AND awake. Sometimes they are subtle, inching towards you slowly... other times they are completely shameless and carelessly grab your arm and cuddle it like a teddy bear. Thats the approach my roommate likes to take, as shown above.
Eventually the room got painted everyone went back to normal (and to their own beds) but I must say, it made for an entertaining week.
Pahaha I just re-read this in Java Jacks and am dying. Love the pictures. Love our life. Love you.