Holding in honesty is like trying to plan where something spills
We conjure up these boundaries and finely lay them side by side, leaving just enough space in between for what we can comfortably share. Behind the first line is what we should have told, the things that gnaw at our hearts in odd places and make us uncomfortable, things we are too embarrassed to share because of how it may make us look, the things we write down in our journals over and over again thinking that will satisfy the need to scream them. Over the second line is too much said. The deeper things we hoard away. The ones we don’t write in journals in fear of who might find them, or truly, in fear of being forced to stare at them written in our own handwriting, validating that its part of who we are. In between are the things we say; the words we can let dance across our tongues and into the ears of another with ease and composure.
But that is not real life.
It goes like a glass falling off a table: sudden, unplanned and messy; sparked by a question or rabbit-trailed thought. Landing behind lines, over lines, and into spaces and laps that we never planned for. Sharing too much and too little at the same time. Desperately trying to contain the spill, we run over with anything that will soak it in before it is seen, before it leaves stains or seeps into memory. The broken glass that it came from is always an afterthought. It is over to the left in ten pieces reflecting over its prior contents from ten different angles and in a new and much brighter light. The view is different from here, much more transparent. We tell others not to move, staring at fragility and trying to figure out how to pick up its sharp and raw pieces without causing anymore disturbance or pain. We place the big pieces aside; sometimes with intent to fix, other times knowing it is a lost cause. The small fine pieces lie still and drowning in the aftermath of the spill, too often they stay there, too small to see, but still large enough to feel. We call them consequences.
Sorry and we do not know why.
But the truth is, this kind of vulnerability needs no forethought and requires no apology.
It is desperately needed; a release of what we were never meant to hold in alone.
So there we spill, with purpose, with divine plan, into the hearts and tears of others.
We stay for a while, and then forward we go.
Knowing that this will happen again, because it is meant to.
How naïve of us to think that it should go any differently.